Shyam Sundar (Male)Avionics and navigation systems Home Tutor in Delhi for 2 years
: M tech
: Delhi West - Delhi ncr
: All Subjects upto 5th grade, Maths in 8th grade, Physics in 8th grade, Chemistry in 10th grade, Maths in 10th grade, Physics in 10th grade, Maths in 12th grade, Physics in 12th grade, Aircraft Structures, Aerodynamics Of Vehicles, Aeroelasticity, Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Design & Production, Aircraft Systems And Instruments, Applied Mechatronics, Aviation Fuels And Their Combustion, Avionics And Navigation Systems, Finite Element Method, Flight Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, Linear Control Theory, Navigation Guidance And Control, Performance Of Gas Turbine, Propulsion, Solid Mechanics, Space Flight Navigation & Guidance, Structural Mechanics,